How many ATP and NADHP will be required to form a heptose sugar through C3 cycle?
1. 18 ATP & 12 NADPH
2. 21 ATP & 14 NADPH
3. 12 ATP & 18 NADPH
4. 24 ATP & 16 NADPH
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Subtopic: Dark Reaction : Calvin Cycle |
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All of the following properties are exhibited by Sorghum, except
1. Adaptability to dry tropical regions
2. Greater productivity of biomass
3. Presence of photorespiration
4. Response towards high light intensities.
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Subtopic: C4 Plants Examples |
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Which of the following will become a limiting factor for photosynthesis under cold conditions?
1. Water
2. CO2 concentration
3. Chlorophyll
4. Temperature
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Subtopic: Factors Affecting Photosynthesis |
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In which of the following cases, light will become a limiting factor?
1. In case of high light intensity
2. In case of low temperature
3. In case of plants in dense forests
4. In case of water scarcity
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Subtopic: Factors Affecting Photosynthesis |
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What effect will be observed on rate of photosynthesis, if the light intensity given to the plant is 10 percent of the full sunlight?
1. It will increase
2. It will decrease
3. It will saturate
4. The process will be stopped
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Subtopic: Factors Affecting Photosynthesis |
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