"Certain region of plant shows tumourous growth". This is a result of
1. Differentiation
2. Dedifferentiation
3. Redifferentiation
4. Both Differentiation and redifferentiation
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Subtopic: Â Growth |Â Differentiation, Dedifferentiation and Redifferentiation |
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"Cells positioned away from root apical meristem differentiate as root cap cells, while those pushed to the periphery mature as epidermis". This is evidence for
1. Open form of differentiation in plants
2. Closed form of differentiation in plants
3. Closed form dedifferentiation in plants
4. Open form of dedifferentiation in plants
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Subtopic: Â Growth |Â Differentiation, Dedifferentiation and Redifferentiation |
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The efficiency index can be calculated by which of the following equations?
1. \(L_t = L_0 +rt\)
2. \(W_1 = W_0e^{rt}\)
3. \(W_1 = W_0+e^{rt}\)
4. \(L_t = L_0 /e^{rt}\)
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Subtopic: Â Growth |
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