Select correct statement w.r.t. monera
1. All are autotrophic prokaryotes
2. All are chemoheterotrophs
3. Unicellular, colonial or filamentous organisms
4. Prokaryotes with 70 S ribosome and histone DNA
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Subtopic: Kingdom Monera: Introduction |
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Select incorrect statement w.r.t. eubacteria
1. Have very simple structure
2. Peptidoglycan nature of cell wall
3. Heterotrophs are most abundant in nature
4. Show most simple metabolic diversity
Archaebacteria do not show
1. Peptidoglycan in cell wall
2. Intrans in DNA
3. Branched-chain lipids in cell membrane
4. Ribosomal proteins with highly acidic nature
Thermoacidophiles are capable of withstanding extremely low pH and high temperature due to the
1. Presence of branched chain of lipid in cell membrane
2. Presence of resistant enzyme which can operate in basic conditions
3. Presence of higher concentration of KCI in their cells
4. More than one option is correct
Which group of monerans played significant role in the evolution of aerobic forms of life?
1. Mycoplasma
2. Cyanobacteria
3. Archaebacteria
4. Actinomycetes