Neo-Darwinism believes that new species develop through
1. Mutations with natural selection
2. Continuous variations with natural selection
3. Hybridisation
4. Mutations
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Subtopic: Modern Theory of Evolution |
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Which is not a concept of Lamarckism?
1. Rate and survival of organisms are different due to variations
2. Environmental pressure produces variations
3. An organ in constant use will grow in size
4. Inheritance of acquired characters
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Subtopic: Theory of Evolution & Lamarckism |
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Which of the following animals show adaptive radiation based on locomotion?
1. Scorpion, elephant, human
2. Cheetah, kangaroo, mole
3. Praying mantis, seal, python
4. Cockroach, squirrel, toad
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Subtopic: Concept of Organic Evolution: Evidence |
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Genetic drift
1. Is random change in gene frequency
2. Has nothing in common with inbreeding
3. Is appearance of recessive genes
4. Produces greatest flunctuation in large populations
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Subtopic: Hardy Weinberg Law |
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Gene pool of a population tends to remain stable if the population is large, without large scale mutations,
without migration and with
1. Random mating
2. Moderate environmental changes
3. Natural selection
4. No predator control
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Industrial melanism as found in peppered moth proves that
1. Melanic form has no selective advantages in industrial area
2. Lighter form has no selective advantage in polluted industrial area and non-polluted area
3. Melanism is pollution generated feature
4. True black melanic form developed by recurring random mutation
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Subtopic: Concept of Organic Evolution: Evidence |
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