The number of different type of gametes that would be produced from a parent with genotype AABBCc is:
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4

Subtopic:  Monohybrid Cross: 1 | Dihybrid Cross Analysis |
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Assertion (A): Accumulation of phenylalanine in the brain results in mental retardation in Phenylketonuria.
Reason (R): The affected person lacks phenylalanine which is therefore not converted to tyrosine. 

In light of the above statements choose answer from the options given below:
1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
2. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
3. (A) is true, but (R) is false 
4. (A) is false, but (R) are true. 


Subtopic:  Mendelian Disorders |
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In Pisum sativum, the flower position may be axial (allele A) or terminal (allela a). What would be the percentage of the offspring with respect to axial flower position, if a cross is made between parents \(Aa \times aa\) ? 
1. 25% 
2. 50%
3. 75% 
4. 100%
Subtopic:  Monohybrid Cross: Further Understanding |
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In humans, rolling of tongue is an autosomal dominant trait (R). In a family both the parents have the trait of rolling tongue but their daughter does not show the trait, whereas the sons have the trait of rolling of tongue. 
The genotypes of the family would be: 
Mother Father Daughter Son
1.  Rr Rr rr rr
2.  Rr Rr rr RR
3.  rr Rr RR rr
4.  RR  rr Rr Rr
Subtopic:  Pedigree Analysis: More Examples |
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Study the pedigree analysis of human given below and identify the type of inheritance along with an example : 

1. Sex-linked recessive, Haemophilia 
2. Sex-linked dominant, Vitamin D resistant rickets 
3. Autosomal recessive, Sickle-cell anaemia 
4. Autosomal dominant, Myotonic dystrophy 
Subtopic:  Pedigree Analysis: More Examples |
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Possibility of the blood groups of the children in a family where the father is heterozygous for blood group 'A' and the mother is heterozygous for blood group 'B', would be :
1. Blood groups 'A','B'
2. Blood groups 'A','B','O'
3. Blood groups 'AB','O' 
4. Blood groups 'A','B','AB','O'
Subtopic:  Co-dominance |
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The correct statement with respect to Thalassemia in humans is: 
1. \(\alpha -\)Thalassemia is controlled by a single gene HBB.
2. The gene for \(\alpha -\)Thalassemia is located on chromosome-16. 
3. \(\beta -\)Thalassemia is controlled by two closely linked genes HBA-1 and HBA-2.
4. In \(\beta-\)Thalassemia the production of \(\alpha -\)globin chain is affected.
Subtopic:  Mendelian Disorders: Thalassemia |
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Given below are the pairs of contrasting traits in Pisum sativum as studied by Mendel. Identify the incorrect Pair traits : 
Character Dominant Recessive
1.  Stem height Tall  Dwarf
2.  Seed shape  Round  Wrinkled
3.  Pod colour Yellow  Green
4.  Flower position Axial  Terminal
Subtopic:  Introduction to Genetics: 1 | Introduction to Genetics: 2 |
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A plant breeder crossed a pure bred tall plant having white flowers with a pure bred dwarf plant having blue flowers. He obtained 202 \(F_1\) progeny and found that they are all tall having blue flowers. Upon selfing these \(F_1\) plants he obtained a progeny of 2160 plants. Approximately how many of these likely to be short having blue flowers? 
1. 1215 
2. 405 
3. 540
4. 135 
Subtopic:  Dihybrid Cross Analysis |
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Given below is a karyotype of a human foetus obtained for screening to find any probable genetic disorder : 

Based on the karyotype, the chromosomal disorder detected in unborn foetus and the consequent symptoms the child may suffer from are : 
1. Turner's syndrome : Sterile ovaries, short stature 
2. Down's syndrome : Gynecomastia, overall masculine stature
3. Turner's syndrome : Small round head, flat back of head
4. Down's syndrome : Furrowed tongue, short stature 
Subtopic:  Non - Disjunction & Aneuploidy | Sex Aneuploidy - Turner & Klinefelter Syndrome |
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