Which of the following amino acid has the lowest iso-electric point?
1. Glycine
2. Alanine
3. Aspartic acid
4. Lysine
Find iso-electric point of given amino acid
pKa = 2.2 pKb = 4.4
(1) 3.3
(2) 5.9
(3) 9.6
(4) 11.8
Find an iso-electric point of the given amino acid
1. 5.5
2. 6.5
3. 3
4. 5
Product (B) of given reaction is:
(1) Glycine
(2) Alanine
(3) valine
(4) Leucine
Which amino acid does not contain a chiral center?
1. Valine
2. Leucine
3. Glycine
4. Iso-leucine
Which of the following pair gives same phenyl osazone ?
(1) D-Glucose and D-Allose
(2) D-Glucose and D-Alfrose
(3) D-Glucose and D-Mannose
(4) D-Glucose and D-Talose
Among the three compounds shown below, two yield the same product on reaction with warm HNO3. The exception is:-
(4) None of these
For the complex conversion of D-glucose into the corresponding osazone, the minimum number of equivalents of phenyl hydrazine required is :
(1) two
(2) three
(3) four
(4) five
Which one of the following compounds will form an osazone derivative ?
The configuration of the chirality centers in D-threose (shown) are:
(1) 2R, 3R
(2) 2R, 3S
(3) 2S, 3R
(4) 2S, 3S