The reaction is an example of:
(1) Wolf rearrangement
(2) Favorskii rearrangement
(3) Steven's rearrangement
(4) Wagner-Meerwin rearrangement
Stephen's reaction is reduction of:
(1) alkyl cyanide with LiAlH4
(2) alkyl cyanide with SnCl2 and HCl
(3) alkyl isocyanide with Na and alcohol
(4) acyl halide in the presence of Pd/BaSO4
Which of the following does not undergo polymerization?
(1) CH3CHO
(2) HCHO
(3) CH3COCH3
(4) None of these
Formaldehyde can be distinguished from acetaldehyde by:
1. Fehling's solution
2. Schiff's reagent
3. Ammonia
4. Ammoniacal AgNO3
In Tischenko's reaction an aldehyde is heated with catalyst:
(1) NaOH
(2) Al(OC2H5)3
(3) Al2O3
(4) Mg/Hg
Formalin is:
1. Formaldehyde
2. Formaldehyde+methanol
3. Formaldehyde+methanol+water
4. Formaldehyde+water
Doctors detect diabetes disease by testing the presence of glucose in urine with:
(1) Nessler's reagent
(2) Fehling's solution
(3) Fenton's reagent
(4) Silver nitrate solution
Acetals are:
1. Aldehyde
2. Diethers
3. Ketones
4. Hydroxy aldehyde
The correct order of reactivity of >CO group in given compounds is:
Ketones are first oxidation product of:
(1) primary alcohols
(2) secondary alcohols
(3) dilhydric alcohols
(4) trihydric alcohols