Chlorine does not react with:
(1) methanal
(2) CH3CHO
(3) propanone
(4) C6H5CHO
Both acetaldehyde and ketone react with:
(1) ammoniacal AgNO3
(2) rochelle salt
(3) 2,4-dinitro phenylhydrazine
(4) all of the above
Aldehydes are produces in atmosphere by:
(1) oxidation of secondary alcohols
(2) reduction of alkenes
(3) reaction of oxygen atoms with hydrocarbons
(4) reaction of oxygen atoms with O3
Compound (C) in above reaction is:
(1) -hydroxy acid
(2) -amino acid
(3) -amino alkanol
(4) -amino -hydroxy acid
Which structural unit is possessed by aldehyde and not ketone?
(1) -H-atom
(2) H-atom and carbonyl group
(3) OH and carbonyl group
(4) None of the above
A compound A has molecular formula C2Cl3OH. It reduces Fehling's solution and on oxidatioin gives a monocarboxylic acid B. A is obtained by action of Cl2 on ethyl alcohol. A is:
(1) chloral
(2) CHCl3
(3) CH3Cl
(4) chloro acetic acid
Carbonyl compounds when treated with sodium bisulphite solution generally a crystalline sodium bisulphite addition product is formed but which of the following carbonyl compound not forms crystalline addition product?
(1) HCHO
(2) CH3CHO
(3) CH3COCH3
(4) C2H5COC2H5
The reaction; is:
(1) crosses Cannizzaro's reaction
(2) intermolecular Cannizzaro's reaction
(3) intramolecular Cannizzaro's reaction
(4) Neither of the above
Which will form two oximes with NH2OH?
(1) CH3COCH3
The term hypnone is used for:
(1) benzophenone
(2) acetophenone
(3) acetaldehyde
(4) none of these