The IUPAC name of the is:
(1) 4-methyl isopropyl ketone
(2) 3-methyl-2-butanone
(3) isopropylmethyl ketone
(4) 2-methyl-3-butanone
In the folllowing sequence products I, J and L are formed and K represents a regent.
(i) The structure of the product I is:
(ii) The structures of compounds J & K respectively are:
(iii) The structure of product L is:
A tertiary alcohol H upon acid catalysed dehydration gives a product I. Ozonolysis of I leads to compounds J & K. Compound J upon reaction with KOH gives benzyl alcohol and a compound L, whereas K on reaction with KOH gives only M.
(i) Compound H is formed by the reaction of:
Vanillin, used as a flavouring agent, is:
1. An Aliphatic alcohol
2. An Aromatic aldehyde
3. A Hydrocarbon
4. A Carbohydrate
Acetophenone on oxidation by perbenzoic acid gives phenyl acetate. The reaction is named as:
1. Baeyer-Villiger oxidation
2. Perkin's reaction
3. Claisen condensation
4. Reformatsky reaction
In Etard's reaction, toluene is oxidised to benzaldehyde using:
(1) H2O2
(2) Cl2
(3) chromium trioxide or CrO2Cl2
(4) KMnO4
m-chlorobenzaldehyde on reaction with conc. KOH at room temperature gives:
1. potassium m-chlorobenzoate and m-hydroxybenzaldehyde
2. m-hydroxybenzaldehyde and m-chlorobenzyl alcohol
3. m-chlorobenzyl alcohol and m-hydroxy benzyl alcohol
4. potassium m-chlorobenzoate and m-chlorobenzyl alcohol
Formylchloride has not been prepared so far. Which can function as formylchloride in formylation ?
(1) HCHO + HCl
(2) HCOOCH3 + HCl
(3) CO + HCl
(4) HCONH2 + HCl
In the reaction, the compound 'X' is:
The major product H of the given reaction sequence is: