Which one is odd with respect to cockroach
(1) Chewing and biting type mouth parts
(2) Flexible neck
(3) Sensory receptors in antennae
(4) Head is formed by fusion of 8 segments
Which of the following is not suitable for hypopharynx?
(1) A median lobe
(2) Flexible
(3) Acting a tongue
(4) Formed by one of the segments of head
The head is connected with thorax-
(1) By a long extension of prothorax
(2) By a short extension of prothorax
(3) By a short extension of neck
(4) By a long extension of neck
Tegmina are not-
(1) Mesothoracic
(2) Forewings
(3) Cover hindwings at flight
(4) First pair of wings
Tegmina are……… while hind wings are…………
(1) Opaque dark and leathery; transparent and membranous
(2) Transparent and membranous; Opaque and dark leathery
(3) Translucent dark and membranous; transparent and leathery
(4) Opaque and membranous; transparent and leathery
The female cockroaches have
(1) 7th, 8th and 9th sternites as genital pouch
(2) Female gonopore, spermathecal pores and collateral glands at the ventral part of genital pouch
(3) 10 abdominal segments unlike males
(4) anal styles as well
Male genital pouch
(1) Lies at the hind end of the abdomen
(2) 9th and 10th terga and 9th sterna
(3) Ventral anus, ventral male genital pore and gonapophysis
(4) More than one option is correct
Anal cerci is present in (Cockroach)
(1) Males
(2) Females
(3) Hermaphrodites
(4) a and b both
Anal cerci is
(1) Jointed filamentous structure
(2) Present in 9th segment
(3) Present only in males
(4) More than one option is correct
Pharynx of cockroach is
(1) Short, tubular
(2) Opens to crop
(3) Mouth leads to pharynx
(4) All the above