Assertion : Triceps is said to be an extensor muscle for elbow joint.
Reason : Triceps relaxes durings extension of forearm at the elbow joint.
Assertion : Biceps and triceps are called antagonistic muscles.
Reason : This is due to the fact that they contract and relax together.
Assertion : Muscle contraction force increases with rise in strength of stimulus.
Reason : This is due to increased contraction of individual muscle fibres with increase in stimulus strength.
Assertion : Muscle as a whole doesn’t obey All or None law.
Reason : Each muscle fibre contracts maximally whenever it contracts.
Assertion : Non-striated muscles are said to be voluntary in nature.
Reason : Non-striated muscles can be moved according to will.
Assertion : Starfish moves through crawling.
Reason : Starfish utilise a flow of water over the surface, for movement.
Assertion : There are similarities between the locomotion of unicellular organisms and multicellular animal.
Reason : Ciliary, flagellar and amoeboid movement occur in unicellular organisms.
Assertion : Movement of body parts serves to change the body posture.
Reason : Body parts move in relation to body axis.
Assertion : Arthritis or inflammation of a joint makes the joint painful.
Reason : Some toxic substances are deposited at the joint.
Assertion : Ball and socket joints are the most mobile joints.
Reason : Synovial fluid is present here.