Which of the following number of cells can be expected from the human cell culture after 70hrs
1. 4
2. 8
3. Both 1 and 2
4. 2
Which of the following is a continuous process?
1. Cell growth (in terms of cytoplasmic increase)
2. Cell differentiation
3. DNA duplication
4. Cell division
Cell growth is a continuous process in terms of
1. Increase in protein content
2. Increase in DNA content
3. Increase in cytoplasmic content
4. Increase in RNA content
The process of distribution of duplicated DNA in the daughter cells is
1. Easy process
2. A complex series of events
3. A single complex process
4. Easiest process in all the events bof cell cycle.
How many cells can be expected in a yeast culture after 540 minutes?
1. 64
2. 512
3. 256
4. 32
If a person forgets to take the reading of his cell culture data now he needs to conclude among the two plates A( with 16 cells) and B (with 128 cells). Which plate has growth of more than 9hrs and which plate has growth of less than 9 hrs if they were yeast cells?
1. A with more than 9hrs
2. B with more than 9 hrs
3. A does not show yeast cell culture
4. B with less than 9 hrs
A person forgets to take the reading of his cell culture data. Now, he needs to compare among the two plates A (with 16 cells) and B (with 128 cells). By counting the number of cells in plate A, he deduces the number of divisions yeast cells must have undergone in plate A would be
1. 4
2. 8
3. 12
4. 15
If a person forgets to take the reading of his cell culture data now he needs to conclude among the two plates A( with 16 cells) and B (with 128 cells).
By counting the number of cells in plate B, he deduces the number of division yeast cells must have undergone in plate B?
1. 127
2. 5
3. 3
4. 7
If a person forgets to take the reading of his cell culture data now he needs to conclude among the two plates A( with 16 cells) and B (with 128 cells).
If these plates A and B happen to be of human cells, then plate A is of
1. 96 hrs
2. 105 hrs
3. 72 hrs
4. Both A and B
If a person forgets to take the reading of his cell culture data now he needs to conclude among the two plates A( with 16 cells) and B (with 128 cells).
If these plates A and B happen to be of human cells, then during 135th hr of the culture the cell will be undergoing which number of division?
1. 45th division
2. 31st division
3. 120th division
4. 64th division