What will be the amount of DNA content before the S phase
1. C
2. 2C
3. 3C
4. Can be any amount
During G2 Phase the amount of DNA will be
1. Double that of G1
2. Double that of S phase
3. Same that of initial stage of S phase
4. Same as that of G1
After M Phase the amount of DNA will be
1. Same as that of G1
2. Same as that of end of S phase
3. Double that of G1
4. None of these
After M Phase the number of chromosomes will be
1. Same as that of G1
2. Double as that of G2
3. Half as that of S
4. None of these
The cell which are in quiescent stage are in
1. G1
2. G0
3. G2
4. S phase
G0 cells
1. Have translation process occurring in cytoplasm
2. Have Transcription process occurring in nucleus
3. Metabolically active
4. All of these
From which phase does cell move in Go phase
1. G1
2. M phase
3. G0
4. G2
Animals show mitosis in
1. Haploid somatic cells
2. Diploid somatic cells
3. All type of haploid cells
4. A and B are correct
The period in which the major reorganization of virtually all components of the cell occurs
1. Prophase
2. M phase
3. S phase
4. G1 phase
Cell division
1. Progressive process
2. A very clear cut lines cannot be drawn between various phases
3. Both 1 and2
4. Clear cut demarcation between all phases