An incorrect match among the following is:
Electron geometry | Possible molecular shape from respective electron geometry | |
1. | Tetrahedron | Bent |
2. | Trigonal bipyramidal | Triangular planar |
3. | Octahedron | Square Pyramidal |
4. | Pentagonal bipyramidal | Pentagonal planar |
In which of the following species central atom is NOT surrounded by exactly 8 valence electrons?
The structure of is as follows :
How many derivative structures of can be derived from the basic structure, by the
replacement of two hydrogen atoms?
(a) 2 (b) 3
(c) 4 (d) 5
Correctly match is :
(1) atomic orbital One nodal plane
(2) atomic orbital Two nodal plane
(3) (gerade)
(4) (ungerade)
In which of the following molecular shape orbital must not be involved in bonding?
(1) Pentagonal planar
(2) Trigonal planar
(3) Linear
(4) Square planar
Consider the following reaction:
If atomic number of M is 52 and X and X' are halogens and X' is more electronegative than X.
Then choose correct statement regarding given information:
(a) Both X' atoms occupy axial positions which are formed by overlapping of p and d-orbitals only
(b) All
(c) Central atom 'M' does not use anyone valence non-axial set of d-orbital in hybridization of final product
(d) Hybridization of central atom 'M' remains same in both reactant and final product.
Which atom can have more than eight valence electrons when it is forming covalent bond?
1. H
2. N
3. F
4. Cl
Select the incorrect match:
Statement Shape Example
(a) Bond pair has > 75% HF
(b) Reduction in axial bond
is more than that of in
equatorial bond angle
(c) Two axial d-orbitals and
one non-axial d-orbitals are
used in hybridization
(d) Two p-orbitals are used
in hybridization
The least polar bond is present in which of the following?
1. | O-F | 2. | P-F |
3. | Si-N | 4. | B-F |
Select correct statement(s) :
(1) Acidic strength of but reverse is true for their reducing property
(2) Basic strength of but reverse is true for their bond angle
(3) Dipole moment of but reverse is true for their bond angle
(4) of fumaric acid is higher than maleic acid but reverse is true for their