A person feels 2.5% difference of frequency of a motor-car horn. If the motor-car is moving to the person and the velocity of sound is 320 m/sec, then the velocity of car will be 

(1) 8 m/s (approx.)

(2) 800 m/s

(3) 7 m/s

(4) 6 m/s (approx.)

Subtopic:  Doppler's Effect (OLD NCERT) |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

A source of sound emitting a note of frequency 200 Hz moves towards an observer with a velocity v equal to the velocity of sound. If the observer also moves away from the source with the same velocity v, the apparent frequency heard by the observer is 

(1) 50 Hz

(2) 100 Hz

(3) 150 Hz

(4) 200 Hz

Subtopic:  Doppler's Effect (OLD NCERT) |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

A source of sound is traveling towards a stationary observer. The frequency of the sound heard by the observer is three times the original frequency. The velocity of sound is v m/sec. The speed of the source will be :

(1) 23v

(2) v

(3) 32v

(4) 3v

Subtopic:  Doppler's Effect (OLD NCERT) |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch


A sound source is moving towards a stationary observer with 1/10 of the speed of sound. The ratio of apparent to real frequency is : 

(1) 10/9

(2) 11/10

(3) (11/10)2

(4) (9/10)2

Subtopic:  Doppler's Effect (OLD NCERT) |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

The speed of sound in air at a given temperature is 350 m/s. An engine blows whistle at a frequency of 1200 cps. It is approaching the observer with velocity 50 m/s. The apparent frequency in cps heard by the observer will be :

(1) 600

(2) 1050

(3) 1400

(4) 2400

Subtopic:  Doppler's Effect (OLD NCERT) |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

The Doppler's effect is applicable for :

(1) Light waves

(2) Sound waves

(3) Space waves

(4) Both (1) and (2)

Subtopic:  Doppler's Effect (OLD NCERT) |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch


A source of sound is moving with constant velocity of 20 m/s emitting a note of frequency 1000 Hz. The ratio of frequencies observed by a stationary observer while the source is approaching him and after it crosses him will be

(1) 9 : 8

(2) 8 : 9

(3) 1 : 1

(4) 9 : 10

(Speed of sound v = 340 m/s)

Subtopic:  Doppler's Effect (OLD NCERT) |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

A source and listener are both moving towards each other at a speed of v/10, where v is the speed of sound. If the frequency of the note emitted by the source is f, the frequency heard by the listener would be nearly :
1. 1.11 f
2. 1.22 f
3. f
4. 1.27 f

Subtopic:  Doppler's Effect (OLD NCERT) |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

A motor car blowing a horn of frequency 124vib/sec moves with a velocity 72 km/hr towards a tall wall. The frequency of the reflected sound heard by the driver will be (velocity of sound in air is 330 m/s) 

(1) 109 vib/sec

(2) 132 vib/sec

(3) 140 vib/sec

(4) 248 vib/sec

Subtopic:  Doppler's Effect (OLD NCERT) |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch


A source of sound of frequency n is moving towards a stationary observer with a speed S. If the speed of sound in air is V and the frequency heard by the observer is n1, the value of n1/n is 

(1) (V + S)/V

(2) V/(V + S)

(3) (VS)/V

(4) V/(VS)

Subtopic:  Doppler's Effect (OLD NCERT) |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch