Which of these statements about the ABO blood group is NOT true?

1.  A person with type O blood can donate blood to individuals with type A, B, AB, or O blood types.
2.  Transfusions should be made considering the plasma of the donor and the erythrocytes of the patient (recipient).
3.  A person with type A blood should not receive a transfusion from someone with type AB blood.
4.  A person with type O blood has both the A and B antigens.

Subtopic:  Blood: Blood Group (A,B,O) |

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The agglutinogens [antigens] and the agglutinins [antibodies] for the ABO blood group are found respectively:
1. on the erythrocytes, on the leukocytes
2. on the erythrocytes, in the plasma
3. on the leukocytes, in the plasma
4. in the plasma, on the erythrocytes

Subtopic:  Blood: Blood Group (A,B,O) |

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What is true regarding blood transfusion and compatibility?
1. A-negative blood can probably be safely donated to a person with A-positive blood.
2. Antibodies against the Rh antigen do not develop unless an Rh-positive person is exposed to Rh-negative blood.
3. The largest percentage of people in India are Rh-negative.
4. Rh-negative mothers cannot have an Rh-positive baby.

Subtopic:  Blood: Blood Group (A,B,O) | Blood: Blood Group |

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The colloid osmotic pressure in the blood is mainly due to:
1. albumin
2. glucose
3. RBCs
4. globulins

Subtopic:  Blood: General Description & RBC |

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Erythropoeisis does not normally require:
1. folic acid
2. vitamin K
3. iron
4. vitamin B12

Subtopic:  Blood: General Description & RBC |

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All the following anticoagulants are found in the blood except:
1. ethylenediamenetetraacetic acid (EDTA).
2. antithrombin
3. heparin
4. prostacyclin

Subtopic:  Blood: Blood Clotting |

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RhoGAM injection [one brand of Rh immunoglobulin] is given to Rh-negative mothers to:
1. initiate the synthesis of anti-Rh antibodies in the mother.
2. initiate anti-Rh antibody production in the fetus.
3. prevent the mother from producing anti-Rh antibodies.
4. prevent the fetus from producing anti-Rh antibodies.

Subtopic:  Blood: Blood Group |

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Which statement concerning blood viscosity is correct?
1. The viscosity of blood is less than the viscosity of water.
2. Blood viscosity is due to the presence of the plasma proteins and erythrocytes.
3. The higher the blood viscosity the easier the heart has to work to move blood through the vessels.
4. Anemia increases blood viscosity.

Subtopic:  Blood: General Description & RBC |

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The second largest component of plasma is:

1. glucose 2. water
3. protein 4. sodium
Subtopic:  Blood: General Description & RBC |

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A deficiency of plasma proteins would lead to all of the following except:
1. reduced ability to transport iron
2. reduced ability to transport oxygen
3. reduced ability to clot
4. reduced ability to transport molecules such as lipids

Subtopic:  Blood: General Description & RBC |

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