Pancreatic secretions can be prevented from entering the duodenum by:
1. pyloric valve
2. sphincter of oddi
3. the common bile duct
4. cholecystokinin secretion

Subtopic:  Pancreatic Secretions |

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Proteolysis cannot be performed by:

1. zymogen 2. chymotrypsin
3. trypsin 4. carboxypeptidase

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A cause of pancreatitis can be autodigestion by the activation, within the pancreas, of:
1. bile
2. bacterial
3. carboxypeptidase
4. trypsin

Subtopic:  Pancreatic Secretions |

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The serous secretions [enzyme rich] are stimulated by the hormone:
1. cholecystokinin
2. secretin
3. enterogastrone
4. enterocrinin

Subtopic:  Intestinal Secretions |

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The most metabolically active cells in the human body will be found in:
1. thyroid
2. liver
3. heart
4. small intestine

Subtopic:  Accessory Digestive Glands |

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A vitamin that is not stored in the liver is vitamin:
1. C
2. K
3. B12
4. A

Subtopic:  Accessory Digestive Glands |

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A type of capillaries with discontinuous endothelium seen in liver are known as:
1. sinusoids
2. central vein
3. porta hepatis
4. portal veins

Subtopic:  Accessory Digestive Glands |

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The Kupffer, specialized macrophages lining the walls of the sinusoids cells, are phagocytic cells found in the
1. stomach
2. pancreas
3. small intestine
4. liver

Subtopic:  Accessory Digestive Glands |

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The common bile duct is formed when the common hepatic duct merges with the:
1. Duct of Rivinus
2. cystic duct
3. pancreatic duct
4. Wharton’s duct

Subtopic:  Bile |

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The hepatopancreatic ampulla [ampulla of Vater] is formed by the union of common bile duct with the:
1. hepatic duct
2. pancreatic duct
3. cystic duct
4. common hepatic duct

Subtopic:  Peristalsis: Gland in Alimentary Canal |

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