Overlap between actin and myosin myofilaments in a sarcomere is seen in:?
1. A band
2. H zone
3. I band
4. M line

Subtopic:  Skeletal Muscle: Sarcomere |

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The Z line is present in:

1. A band 2. H zone
3. I band 4. M line
Subtopic:  Skeletal Muscle: Sarcomere |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

The drug curare causes:

1. flaccid paralysis.

2. spastic paralysis.

3. smooth muscle degeneration.

4. cardiac failure.

Subtopic:  Muscle Contraction: Other Considerations |

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A motor unit is

1. all the muscle fibers innervated by all the motor neurons in a muscle.
2. all the fibers in one fasciculus.
3. all the muscle fibers innervated by a single motor neuron in a muscle.
4. all the motor neurons that innervate one muscle fiber in a muscle.
Subtopic:  Skeletal Muscle: Sarcomere |

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A type of strength training in which the joint angle and muscle length do not change during contraction is termed as:

1. isometric contraction.

2. isotonic contraction.

3. concentric contraction.

4. eccentric contraction.

Subtopic:  Muscle Contraction: Other Considerations |

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With respect to slow twitch [Type I] fibers the fast-twitch [Type II] muscle fibers are:
1. More resistant to fatigue.
2. Supplied by more more blood vessels.
3. Having Larger amount of stored glycogen.
4. Having more mitochondria.

Subtopic:  Skeletal Muscle: Sarcomere |

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In smooth muscle contraction:
1. Calcium ions bind to troponin C.
2. Myosin has no role.
3. Troponin and tropomyosin are moved.
4. Calcium ions bind to calmodulin, which activates an enzyme.

Subtopic:  Muscle Contraction: Other Considerations |

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The joint between skull bones is classified as:

1. cartilaginous 2. fibrous
3. epithelial 4. synovial
Subtopic:  Fibrous & Catilaginous Joints |

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To unlock all the explanations of 38 chapters you need to be enrolled in MasterClass Course.

The joint between two pubic bones is called as:

1. syndesmosis

2. gomphosis

3. symphysis

4. synchondrosis

Subtopic:  Appendicular Skeleton: Girdle |

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Matecarpophalangeal joint is a:
1. condyloid joint
2. pivot joint
3. saddle joint
4. gliding joint

Subtopic:  Synovial Joint |

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