Which of these will not react with acetylene?
1. NaOH
2. Amm. AgNO3
3. Na
4. HCl
Alkene-1 on hydroboration followed with action of H2O2 gives:
1. alkanol-2
2. alkanol-1
3. alkanal
4. alkanone
The reaction,
is the example of:
1. sulphonation
2. dehydration
3. alkylation
4. decomposition
2-bromopentane is heated with potassium ethoxide in ethanol. The major product obtained is
1. 2-ethoxypentane
2. pent-1-ene
3. trans-pent-2-ene
4. cis-pent-2-ene
RCOCl and AlCl3 are used in the Friedel-Crafts reaction.
The electrophile among the following is:
1. Cl+
2. RCOCl
3. R+CO
4. R+
The reagent is:
1. Na
2. HCl in H2O
3. NaNH2
4. Zn in alcohol
Silver acetylide when heated with HCl gives:
1. C2H2
2. H2
3. C2H4
4. C6H6
In the following reaction the catalyst used is:
→C6H6 + 3H2
1. Cr2O3 2. Al2O3
3. Zn dust 4. Cr2O3 and Al2O3
Gammexane (a γ-isomer) is:
1. BHC
2. Benzene hexachloride
3. Lindane
4. All of the above
An alkene, obtained by the dehydration of an alcohol (A), on ozonolysis gives two molecules of acetaldehyde for every molecule of alkene. The alcohol (A) is: