An agriculture practice based on integration and harmonious mix of environmental health, economic profitability, and social equity is termed as:
1. hydroponics.
2. nutirent fixation.
3. genetic engineering.
4. sustainable agriculture.
Pusa komal is disease resistance variety of?
1. Cauliflower
2. Brassica
3. Cowpea
4. Chilli
The most practical means to improve public health and enriching foods with vitamins and minerals would include.
1. Micropropagation
2. Use of single cell proteins
3. Biofortification
4. Developing pest resistant crops
By cross hybridisation of Saccharum barberi and Saccharum officinarum sugarcane varieties obtained have the desired qualities except one of the following
1. High yield.
2. High levels of sugar.
3. Resistance to jassids.
4. Thick stems.
Which of the following varieties is not associated with the increase in rice production during green revolution.
1. IR8
2. Jaya
3. Kalyan Sona
4. Ratna
Find the wrong match.
1. Wheat → Pusa Shubra
2. Cauliflower → Pusa Snowball K-1
3. Chilli → Pusa Sadabahar
4. Brassica → Pusa Swarnim
Classical plant breeding involves:
1. Hybridisation of pure lines
2. Domestication
3. Tissue culture
4. Using molecular genetic tools
Resistance to yellow mosaic virus in Abelmoschus esculentus was transferred from a wild species and a new variety was produced, which is called:
1. Pusa sawani
2. Pusa A-4
3. Parbhani kranti
4. Himgiri
High aspartic acid, low nitrogen and sugar content in maize lead to resistance in maize against:
1. Aphids
2. Stem borers
3. Jassids
4. Stem sawfly
Select the incorrect statement with respect to Atlas 66:
1. A wheat variety having high protein content
2. Used as a donor for improving cultivated wheat
3. Is a variety of mexican dwarf wheat
4. Has been used for biofortification