Consider the chemical reaction,


The rate of this reaction can be expressed in terms of time derivative of concentration of  N2 g, H2g and NH3g.

The correct relationship amongest the rate expressions is: 

(1) Rate =-dN2dt=-13 dH2dt=12 dNH3dt

(2) Rate =-dN2dt=-3 dH2dt=2 dNH3dt

(3) Rate =dN2dt=13 dH2dt=12 dNH3dt

(4) Rate =-dN2dt=- dH2dt= dNH3dt

Subtopic:  Definition, Rate Constant, Rate Law |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

For a first order reaction A Product, the initial concentration of A is 0.1 M and after 40 minute it becomes 0.025 M. Calculate the rate of reaction at reactant concentration of 0.01M:

1. 3.47x10-4 M min-1

2. 3.47x10-5 M min-1

3. 1.735 x 10-6 M min-1

4. 1.735 x10-4 M min-1

Subtopic:  First Order Reaction Kinetics |
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NEET 2025 - Target Batch

Select the intermediate in the following reaction mechanism:

O3(g)  O2(g) +O(g)

O(g) +O3(g)  2O2(g)

1. O3(g)

2. O(g)

3. O2(g)

4. none of these

Subtopic:  Definition, Rate Constant, Rate Law |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch


A reactant with initial concentration 1.386 \(\mathrm{mol} \text { litre }{ }^{-1}\) showing first order change takes 40 minute to become half. If it shows zero order change taking 20 minute to becomes half under similar conditions, the ratio, K1/K0 for first order and zero order kinetics will be:

1. 0.5 mol-1 litre

2. 1.0 mol/litre

3. 1.5 mol/litre

4. 2.0 mol-1 litre

Subtopic:  First Order Reaction Kinetics |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

In a first order reaction, the concentration of the reactant is decreased from 1.0 M to 0.25M in 20 minute. The rate constant of the reaction would be:

1. 10min-1

2. 6.931 min-1

3. 0.6931 min-1

4. 0.06931 min-1

Subtopic:  First Order Reaction Kinetics |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

The following mechanism has been proposed for the reaction of NO with Br2 to form NOBr:

NO(g) + Br2(g)  NOBr2(g)

NOBr2(g) + NO(g) 2NOBr(g)

If the second step is the rate determining step, the order of the reaction with respect to NO(g) will be:

1. 1

2. 0

3. 3

4. 2

Subtopic:  Order, Molecularity and Mechanism |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch


For the reaction A           nB, at the point of intersection of two curves show, the [B] is can be given by:


1. nA02

2. A0n-1

3. nA0n+1

4. n-1n+1A0

Subtopic:  First Order Reaction Kinetics |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

The rate constant of a first-order reaction is\(4 \times 10^{-3} \mathrm{sec}^{-1}.\) At a reactant concentration of \(0.02~\mathrm{M},\) the rate of reaction would be:

1. \(8 \times 10^{-5} \mathrm{M} ~\mathrm{sec}^{-1} \) 2. \(4 \times 10^{-3} \mathrm{M} ~\mathrm{sec}^{-1} \)
3. \(2 \times 10^{-1} \mathrm{M}~ \mathrm{sec}^{-1} \) 4. \(4 \times 10^{-1} \mathrm{M}~ \mathrm{sec}^{-1}\)
Subtopic:  First Order Reaction Kinetics |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch

If concentration of reactants is increased by 'X', the rate constant K becomes:

1. eK/X

2. K/X

3. K

4. X/K

Subtopic:  Definition, Rate Constant, Rate Law |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch


In acidic medium the rate of reaction between BrO3- and Br- ions is given by the expression


It means:

1. The rate constant of the overall reaction is 4 sec-1.
2. The rate of reaction is independent of the concentration of the acid.
3. The change in pH of the solution will not affect the rate.
4. Doubling the concentration of H+ ions will increase the rate of reaction by 4 times.
Subtopic:  Definition, Rate Constant, Rate Law |
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch
To view explanation, please take trial in the course.
NEET 2025 - Target Batch