Which of the following statement is true
(1) Pt19278 has 78 neutrons
(2) Po21484→Pb21082+β-
(3) U23892→Th23490+He42
(4) Th23490→Pa23491+He42
Fast neutrons can easily be slowed down by
(1) The use of lead shielding
(2) Passing them through heavy water
(3) Elastic collisions with heavy nuclei
(4) Applying a strong electric field
When U23592 undergoes fission, 0.1% of its original mass is changed into energy. How much energy is released if 1kg of U23592 undergoes fission
(1) 9×1010 J
(2) 9×1011 J
(3) 9×1012 J
(4) 9×1013 J
γ-rays radiation can be used to create electron-positron pair. In this process of pair production, γ-rays energy cannot be less than
(1) 5.0 MeV
(2) 4.02 MeV
(3) 15.0 MeV
(4) 1.02 MeV
A reaction between a proton and O188 that produces F189 must also liberate
(1) n10
(2) e01
(3) n01
(4) e10
In the nuclear reaction U23892→ThAz+He42 , the values of A and Z are
(1) A = 234, Z = 94
(2) A = 234, Z = 90
(3) A = 238, Z = 94
(4) A = 238, Z = 90
If 200 MeV energy is released in the fission of a single U235 nucleus, the number of fissions required per second to produce 1 kilowatt power shall be (Given
1 eV=1.6×10-19 J)
(1) 3.125×1013
(2) 3.125×1014
(3) 3.125×1015
(4) 3.125×1016
In nuclear fission, the fission reactions proceeds with a projectile. Which of the following suits the best
(1) Slow proton
(2) Fast neutron
(3) Slow neutron
(4) None of these
In the nuclear reaction X29785→Y+4α, Y is
1. Y28776
2. Y28577
3. Y28177
4. Y28977
Thermal neutrons can cause fission in
(1) U235
(2) U238
(3) Pu238
(4) Th232