The reproduction in Algae occurs by
(1) Vegetative
(2) Asexual
(3) Sexual
(4) All of these
Asexual reproduction is by the production of different types of spores. Out of that most common is
(1) Carpospore
(2) Zoospores
(3) Basidiospores
(4) Akinetes
Which of the following has flagellated male and female gametes?
(1) Ulothrix
(2) Volvox
(3) Spirogyra
(4) Fucus
Isogamous means
1. Both the gametes are equally motile
2. Both the gametes are unequal in terms of motility
3. Both the gametes are similar in size
4. All of these
(1) Gametes dissimilar in size
(2) Gametes are similar in size but not in motility
(3) Gametes are similar in motility but not in size
(4) Gametes are similar in size and motility
(1) Non-motile male gamete
(2) Large male gamete
(3) Non-motile female gamete
(4) Small female gamete
Which of the following is an example of anisogamous reproduction in Algae?
(1) Eudorina
(2) Volvox
(3) Fucus
(4) Spirogyra
Which of the following is an example of oogamous reproduction?
1. Spirogyra
2. Ulothrix
3. Eudorina
4. Volvox
Which of the following is an example of isogamous reproduction?
(1) Ulothrix
(2) Eudorina
(3) Volvox
(4) Fucus
Which of the following is an example of oogamous reproduction?
(1) Ulothrix
(2) Eudorina
(3) Spirogyra
(4) Fucus