(1) Water holding substance
(2) Obtained from red algae
(3) Sulfated water holding substance
(4) All of these
Agar is not obtained from
(1) Gelidium
(2) Gracilaria
(3) Volvox
(4) All of these
Agar is not used in
(1) To grow microbes
(2) To prepare ice-creams
(3) To prepare jellies
(4) To supplement protein for space travellers
Chlorella is not
(1) An unicellular alga
(2) Rich in proteins
(3) Used as food supplement even by space travellers
(4) Used to grow microbes
Which of the marine algae is not used as food?
(1) Laminaria
(2) Sargassum
(3) Porphyra
(4) Volvox
The members of Chlorophyceae-
(1) are not Green algae
(2) are not unicellular, colonial, or filamentous plant body
(3) do not have pigments chlorophyll a and b
(4) have pigments localised in the chloroplast
Chloroplasts can be discoid, plate-like, reticulate, cup-shaped, spiral or ribbon-shaped in different species. Such variety can be found in
(1) Chlorophyceae
(2) Phaeophyceae
(3) Rhodophyceae
(4) All of these
Pyrenoid is
(1) Storage bodies located in cytoplasm of chloropbyceae
(2) Storage bodies located in cytoplasm of Phaeophyceae
(3) Storage bodies located in chloroplast of chlorophyceae
(4) Storage bodies located in chloroplast of Phaeophyceae
Green algae usually have a rigid cell wall made of an inner layer of ….…. and outer layer of ………
(1) Pectose, Cellulose
(2) Cellulose, Pectose
(3) Algin, carrageenan
(4) Carrageen, Algin
Examples of Green alga is not
(1) Chlamydomonas,Volvox,Ulothrix
(2) Spirogyra
(3) Chara
(4) Fucus