Stem performs
(1) Absorption of water and minerals
(2) Synthesising of sucrose
(3) Conduction of water, minerals and photosynthesise
(4) All of these
Stem bear
(1) Terminal
(2) Axillary
(3) Both Terminal and axillary
(4) None of these
Underground stem is not
(1) Zaminkand
(2) Colocasia
(3) Pistia
(4) Turmeric
(1) Has root modified for storage
(2) Has leaf modified for xerophytic adaptation
(3) Has stem modified for storage
(4) All of these
Which of the following underground stems does not act as organ of perennation to tide over Conditions unfavorable for growth?
(1) Ginger
(2) Turmeric
(3) Zaminkand
(4) Strawberry
Stem tendrils develop from
(1) Axillary buds
(2) Terminal buds
(3) Leaves
(4) Internodes
Which of the following is not true about stem tendrils?
(1) Slender
(2) Spirally coiled
(3) Help plants to climb
(4) Arise from terminal bud
Which of the following is not a gourd tendril?
(1) Cucumber
(2) Pumpkins
(3) Watermelon
(4) Grapevines
Thorns develop from
(1) Axillary buds
(2) Terminal buds
(3) Leaves
(4) Phyllode
The characteristic of thorns are
(1) Herbaceous, coiled and slender
(2) Woody, straight and pointed
(3) Herbaceous, straight and slender
(4) Woody, coiled and pointed