Epicarp of mango can not be
1. Thin
2. Outer
3. Stony
4. Edible
The mesocarp of coconut is
1. Fibrous
2. Fleshy
3. Stony
4. Edible
Seed has
1. Seed embryo
2. Seed embryo + endosperm
3. Coat and embryo
4. Cotyledons and embryonal axis
The embryo does not have
1. Embryonal axis
2. Radicle
3. One or two cotyledons
4. Seed coat
One cotyledon is found in which of the following embryo?
1. Gram
2. Pea
3. Wheat
4. All of these
Two cotyledons are found in which of the following embryo?
1. Wheat
2. Maize
3. Gram
4. All of these
Seed coat-
1. Outermost covering of the seed
2. Outer testa and inner tegmen
3. Hilum is a scar overseed coat
4. All of these
Find the wrong statement.
1. Scar overseed coat
2. Developing seeds are attached to the fruit by means of the hilum
3. Below hilum is micropyle
4. All of these
Which of the following is true?
1. Cotyledons are always fleshy
2. Cotyledons are often fleshy
3. Cotyledons are never fleshy
4. Cotyledons are always membranous
Endosperm is formed as a result of
1. Fertilisation
2. Syngamy, Fertilisation
3. Triple fusion and Double Fertilisation
4. External Fertilisation