Which statement is wrong for viruses?
1. | All are parasites |
2. | All of them have helical symmetry |
3. | They have the ability to synthesize nucleic acids and proteins |
4. | Antibiotics have no effect on them |
Which one single organism or the pair of organisms is correctly assigned to its or their named taxonomic group?
1. | Paramecium and Plasmodium belong to the same kingdom as that of Penicillium |
2. | Lichen is a composite organism formed from the symbiotic association of algae and a protozoan |
3. | Yeast is used in making bread and brew is a fungus |
4. | Nostoc and Anabaena are examples of Protista |
Maximum nutritional diversity is found in the group:
1. Fungi
2. Animalia
3. Monera
4. Plantae
1. Escherichia coli
2. Euglena viridis
3. Amoeba proteus
4. Paramecium caudatum
Virus envelope is known as:
1. capsid
2. virion
3. nucleoprotein
4. core
Infectious proteins are present in:
1. geminiviruses
2. prions
3. viroids
4. satellite viruses
T.O. Diener discovered a:
1. free infectious RNA
2. free infectious DNA
3. infectious protein
4. bacteriophage
The thalloid body of a slime mould (Myxomycetes) is known as:
1. protonema
2. Plasmodium
3. fruiting body
4. mycelium