Acetaldehyde cannot exhibit
1. Iodoform test
2. Benedict's test
3. Lucas test
4. Tollen's test
Ketones; alkyl groups, can be obtained in one step by:
1. hydrolysis of esters
2. oxidation of primary alcohols
3. oxidation of secondary alcohols
4. reaction of acid halides and alcohols
The product formed by the reaction of chlorine with benzaldehyde in the absence of catalyst is
1. benzoyl chloride
2. benzyl chloride
3. chlorobenzene
4. o-chlorobenzaldehyde
The precipitate formed on heating ethanal with Fehling's solution is:
1. | \(\mathrm{CuO}\) | 2. | \(\mathrm{Cu}\) |
3. | \(\mathrm{Cu}+\mathrm{Cu}_2 \mathrm{O}+\mathrm{CuO}\) | 4. | \(\text{Cu}_2O\) |
Monomer of trioxane is
1. formaldehyde
2. acetone
3. isoprene
4. acetaldehyde
Which will not give formaldehyde on heating or up distillation?
1. paraldehyde
2. trioxane
3. formalin
4. paraformalehyde
(Assume compound X has a chiral centre)
The optical activity associated with product X would be:
1. Laevorotatory
2. Dextrorotatory
3. Mesocompound
4. Racemic mixture
Benzophenone can be converted into benzene using
1. anhydrous
2. acidified dichromate
3. sodium amalgam in water
4. fused alkali
Which of the following react with NaOH to produce an acid and alcohol?
Which of the following is incorrect?
1. Fehling solution is used in detection of glucose
2. is used in detection of carbonyl compounds
3. is used in detection of phenols
4. Tollen's reagent is used in detection of unsaturation.