To overcome short duration stressful conditions, organism may escape the stressful conditions in time. All the following will be example for this strategy except:
1. Hibernation
2. Aestivation
3. Migration
4. Diapause

Subtopic:  Response of Organisms to Abiotic Factors (OLD NCERT) |
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Most birds and mammals:
1. breed many times during their lifetime and produce a small number of large-sized offspring. 
2. breed only once during their lifetime and produce a small number of large-sized offspring. 
3. breed many times during their lifetime and produce a large number of small-sized offspring. 
4. breed only once during their lifetime and produce a large number of small-sized offspring.
Subtopic:  Life History Variations |
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Please attempt this question first.

Cattle and goats are not seen browsing on Calotropis growing in abandoned fields because:
1. the plant has a large number of thorns.
2. the plant produces toxic cardiac glycosides.
3. the plant leaves secrete a lot of distasteful mucilage.
4. the plant produces secondary metabolite strychnine.
Subtopic:  Population Interactions: Predation |
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In accordance with their lifestyles, parasites evolved special adaptations that do not include:
1. the loss of unnecessary sense organs
2. presence of adhesive organs or suckers to cling on to the host
3. loss of digestive system
4. low reproductive capacity.
Subtopic:  Population Interactions: Parasitism |
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Which of the following is not an example of commensalism?
1. An orchid growing as an epiphyte on a mango branch
2. Barnacles growing on the back of a whale 
3. Cuckoo laying eggs in the nests of crow
4. Clown fish living among the tentacles of sea anemone
Subtopic:  Population Interactions: Commensalism, Protocooperation & Mutualism |
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Please attempt this question first.

Organisms that are highly valuable in learning about phloem transport are:
1. Aphids
2. Humming birds
3. Leaf miners
4. Caterpillars
Subtopic:  Life History Variations |
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If N is the population size, r is the intrinsic growth rate, K is the carrying capacity of the local environment, and dN/dt is the rate of change in population with time, then the Verhulst-Pearl Logistic growth equation is correctly written as:
1. dN/dt = rN[1- N/K] 2. dN/dt = rN[1- K/N]
3. dN/dt = rN + [1- N/K] 4. dN/dt = rN + [1- K/N]
Subtopic:  Population: Exponential Growth Model | Population: Logistic Growth Model |
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Thermoregulation is likely to be energetically most expensive for:
1. Blue whale
2. Humans
3. Humming birds
4. Elephant
Subtopic:  Abiotic Factors: Temperature (OLD NCERT) | Response of Organisms to Abiotic Factors (OLD NCERT) |
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Please attempt this question first.

In ‘competitive release’:
1. differences among similar species whose distributions overlap geographically are accentuated in regions where the species co-occur, but are minimized or lost where the species' distributions do not overlap.
2. two species which compete for the same limited resource cannot coexist at constant population values.
3. there is an expansion of the range of a species when a competitor for its niche is removed.
4. there is a division of limited resources by species to help avoid competition in an ecological niche.
Subtopic:  Population Interactions: Predation |
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Identify the option where the relationship between given organisms is correctly described:
1. Flamingoes visiting American lakes and resident fishes: Commensalism
2. Yucca plant and Tegeticula yuccasella, the yucca moth: Mutualism
3. Female Anopheles and humans: Parasitism
4. Lichens: Predation
Subtopic:  Population Interactions: Commensalism, Protocooperation & Mutualism |
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