The correct order of reactivity of >CO group in given compounds is:
Ketones are first oxidation product of:
(1) primary alcohols
(2) secondary alcohols
(3) dilhydric alcohols
(4) trihydric alcohols
Alkaline hydrolysis of R2C.Cl2 forms:
(1) propanone
(2) propane
(3) alkanone
(4) alkanal
Ketones are prepared by:
1. Clemmensen's reduction
2. Rosenmund's reduction
3. Oppeanauer's oxidation
4. Cannizzaro's reaction
Chlorine does not react with:
(1) methanal
(2) CH3CHO
(3) propanone
(4) C6H5CHO
Both acetaldehyde and ketone react with:
(1) ammoniacal AgNO3
(2) rochelle salt
(3) 2,4-dinitro phenylhydrazine
(4) all of the above
Aldehydes are produces in atmosphere by:
(1) oxidation of secondary alcohols
(2) reduction of alkenes
(3) reaction of oxygen atoms with hydrocarbons
(4) reaction of oxygen atoms with O3
Compound (C) in above reaction is:
(1) -hydroxy acid
(2) -amino acid
(3) -amino alkanol
(4) -amino -hydroxy acid
Which structural unit is possessed by aldehyde and not ketone?
(1) -H-atom
(2) H-atom and carbonyl group
(3) OH and carbonyl group
(4) None of the above
A compound A has molecular formula C2Cl3OH. It reduces Fehling's solution and on oxidatioin gives a monocarboxylic acid B. A is obtained by action of Cl2 on ethyl alcohol. A is:
(1) chloral
(2) CHCl3
(3) CH3Cl
(4) chloro acetic acid