Jones reagent is:
1. Acidified KMnO4
2. K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4 or chromic acid + H2SO4
3. Alkaline K2Cr2O7
4. None of the above
Acetaldehyde undergoes self condensation in presence of aluminium ethoxide to give ethyl acetate. This reaction is called:
(1) Perkin reaction
(2) Tischenko's reaction
(3) Cannizzaro's reaction
(4) Aldol condensation
Oppenauer oxidation is the reverse process of:
(1) Wolff-Kishner's reduction
(2) Rosenmund's reduction
(3) Clemmensen's reduction
(4) Meerwein-Ponndorf Verley reduction
Semicarbazide is:
(1) NH2CONH2
(2) NH2-NH2
(4) None of these
An aldehyde which undergoes Cannizzaro's reaction and reduces Schiff's reagent but does not reduce Fehling's solution is:
(1) CH3CHO
(2) HCHO
(3) C6H5CHO
(4) salicylaldehyde
b-hydroxy butyraldehyde is an example of:
(1) aldol
(2) diol
(3) hemiacetal
(4) acetal
A ketone reacted with C2H5MgBr reagent followed by hydrolysis gave a product which on dehydration gives an alken. The alkene on ozonolysis gave diethyl ketone and acetaldehyde. The ketone is:
(1) dimethyl ketone
(2) ethyl methyl ketone
(3) diethyl ketone
(4) ethyl propyl ketone
The reaction produces:
Treatement of propionaldehyde with dil. NaOH gives:
Which of the following will react with water ?
(1) CHCl3
(2) CCl3CHO
(3) CCl4
(4) CH2Cl.CH2Cl