The Ti in Ti plasmid stands for
(1) Tumour inciting
(2) Tumour inducing
(3) Transposon incumbent
(4) Transition impact
Classical biotechnology does not include the production of
(1) Curd
(2) Ethyl alcohol
(3) Insulin from bacteria
(4) Citric acid
Why is a marker gene useful?
1. It shows you whether the gene being added, has been taken up or not.
2. It's a way of labelling which gene you want to modify.
3. It sticks with the striker gene.
4. It marks the position of r-DNA
Transformation is the term used to denote
(1) Non virus mediated gene transfer in non Animal eukaryotic cells
(2) Virus mediated gene transfer in Bacteria
(3) Virus mediated gene transfer in non Animal eukaryotic cells
(4) All of the above
According to the traditional view which of the following can be kept under the process or form in Biotechnology?
1. Test tube baby
2. DNA vaccine
3. Making of wine
4. Correcting a gene
The definition of biotechnology given by EFB encompasses
1. Traditional view
2. Modern molecular biotechnology
3. Both 1 and 2
4. Only Molecular analogs
Which of the following is not a core technique which gave birth to modern biotechnology?
1. Genetic engineering
2. Bioprocess engineering
3. Fermentation
4. Both 1 and 2
Which of the following products do not need bioprocess engineering?
1. Antibiotics
2. Vaccines
3. Enzymes
4. Curd
Variations which are the results of sexual reproduction will
1. Always bad for a population
2. Not always good for individual but for population
3. Not always good for individual and population
4. Always good for individual
Traditional hybridization procedures lead to the inclusion and multiplication of undesirable genes along with desirable genes. Which of the following processes cannot help to rid this undesirable Gene?
1. creation of recombinant DNA
2. Use of gene cloning
3. Use of gene transfer
4. Use of Agarose gels