Pharynx of cockroach is
(1) Short, tubular
(2) Opens to crop
(3) Mouth leads to pharynx
(4) All the above
Find the incorrect match.
(1) Junction of midgut and hindgut- Malpighian tubules
(2) Gizzard- Chitinous plates
(3) Crop- chemical digestion of food
(4) Gastric Caeca- digestive juice
Gastric Caecae of cockroach is
(1) Secrete digestive juice
(2) 10-12 blind tubules
(3) Present at the junction of midgut and hindgut-
(4) More than one option is correct
Malpighian tubules of cockroach is
(1) At the junction of midgut and hindgut
(2) Thin filamentous
(3) Another ring of 200-250
(4) Not all but any two are correct
Hindgut in cockroach is
(1) Broader than midgut
(2) Has two parts ileum and rectum
(3) Rectum opens into blind sac
(4) More than one option is correct
Blood vascular system of cockroach is
(1) Open type
(2) Haemocoel is present
(3) Haemolymph bathes the visceral organs
(4) All are correct
Choose the incorrect option from the following-
Heart of cockroach
(1) Has elongated muscular tube
(2) Lying along mid ventral line of thorax and abdomen
(3) Has closed funnel shaped chambers with ostia on either side
(4) All the above
Spiracles in cockroach are
(1) Present on ventral side of the body
(2) Present on lateral side of the body
(3) Present on ventro-lateral side of the body
(4) Present on dorsal side of the body
Which of the following statements is wrong?
(1) Spiracles are regulated by sphincters in Cockroach.
(2) Tracheoles is the place for gaseous exchange
(3) There will be 10 pairs of spiracles
(4) Tracheoles divide into tracheal tubes
Malpighian tubules have which type of cells?
(1) Glandular and ciliated
(2) Only Glandular
(3) Only ciliated
(4) Keratinised cells