If a researcher has to use a bacterial cell to isolate DNA from bacterial cells then to remove another nucleic acid, which enzyme should be used?
1. DNAse
2. Ribonuclease
3. Protease
4. Lysozyme
The precipitation of DNA out of the solution is done by adding
1. Organic Acid
2. HCl
3. Ethanol
4. Ketone
The end result of precipitation of DNA in suspension is seen
1. In the form of dark solution
2. In the form of effervescence
3. In the form of fine threads
4. In the form of bubbles
The precipitated DNA can be removed from the suspension
1. By Filtration
2. By giving a heat shock
3. By spooling
4. By gel electrophoresis
Primers are not
1. Small
2. Biologically synthesized
3. Oligonucleotides
4. Complementary to the regions of DNA
Which of the following doesn't go with PCR?
1. Thermus aquaticus
2. 1 billion copies
3. Taq polymerase
4. Dideoxynucleotides
If a strand has the following sequence 5’ATTGCCCTAG 3’what will be the sequence of DNA synthesized from its complementary strand.
What is the final step of PCR?
1. Extension
2. Annealing
3. Denaturation
4. Extraction
After 30 cycles of PCR, how many times DNA will be amplified?
1. Thousand times
2. Million times
3. Billion times
4. Hundreds times
Use of primers, occurs in which step of PCR?
1. Annealing
2. Extension
3. Denaturation
4. Both extension and Annealing