Which reaction is used for detecting the presence of carbonyl group?
1. Reaction with hydrazine
2. Reaction with phenylhydrazine
3. Reaction with hydroxylamine
4. All of the above
Acetone is used in:
1. face creams
2. vanilla
3. nail polishes
4. sweet-smelling erasers
Benedict's solution provides:
(1) Ag+
(2) Cu2+
(3) Ba2+
(4) Li+
Jones reagent is:
1. Acidified KMnO4
2. K2Cr2O7 + H2SO4 or chromic acid + H2SO4
3. Alkaline K2Cr2O7
4. None of the above
Acetaldehyde undergoes self condensation in presence of aluminium ethoxide to give ethyl acetate. This reaction is called:
(1) Perkin reaction
(2) Tischenko's reaction
(3) Cannizzaro's reaction
(4) Aldol condensation
Oppenauer oxidation is the reverse process of:
(1) Wolff-Kishner's reduction
(2) Rosenmund's reduction
(3) Clemmensen's reduction
(4) Meerwein-Ponndorf Verley reduction
Semicarbazide is:
(1) NH2CONH2
(2) NH2-NH2
(4) None of these
An aldehyde which undergoes Cannizzaro's reaction and reduces Schiff's reagent but does not reduce Fehling's solution is:
(1) CH3CHO
(2) HCHO
(3) C6H5CHO
(4) salicylaldehyde
b-hydroxy butyraldehyde is an example of:
(1) aldol
(2) diol
(3) hemiacetal
(4) acetal
A ketone reacted with C2H5MgBr reagent followed by hydrolysis gave a product which on dehydration gives an alken. The alkene on ozonolysis gave diethyl ketone and acetaldehyde. The ketone is:
(1) dimethyl ketone
(2) ethyl methyl ketone
(3) diethyl ketone
(4) ethyl propyl ketone